Green Grass of Home
Be sure to refill
the ice trays, we're
going to have
company after while.
Watch for the
postman, I want to
get this letter to
Aunt Mary in the
mail today.
Quit slamming the
screen door when you
are on your way out!
Be sure and pull the
windows down when
you leave, it looks
like a shower is
coming up.
Don't forget to wind
the clock before you
go to bed.
Wash your feet
before you go to
bed, they are nasty
from playing outside
all day barefooted.
Why can't you
remember to roll up
your pant legs?
Getting them caught
in the bicycle chain
so many times is
tearing them up.
You have torn the
knees out of that
pair of pants so
many times there is
nothing left to put
a patch on.
Don't you go outside
with your good
school clothes on!
Go comb your hair;
it looks like the
rats have nested in
it all night.
Be sure and pour the
cream off the top of
the milk when you
open the new bottle.
Take that empty
bottle to the store
with you so you
won't have to pay a
deposit on another
Put a dish towel
over the cake so the
flies won't get on
Quit jumping on the
floor! I have a cake
in the oven and you
are going to make it
fall if you don't
Let me know when the
Fuller Brush man
comes by, I need to
get a few things
from him.
You boys stay close
by, the car may not
start and I will
need you to help
push it off.
There's a dollar in
my purse, get 5
gallons of gas when
you go to town.
Open the back door
and see if we can
get a breeze through
here, it is getting
You can walk to the
store; it won't hurt
you to get some
Don't sit too close
to the TV. It is
hard on your eyes.
If you pull that
stunt again, I am
going to wear you
Don't lose that
button; I'll sew it
back on after
Wash under your neck
before you come to
the table, you have
beads of dirt and
sweat all under
Get out from under
the sewing machine;
pumping it messes up
the thread!
Be sure and fill the
lamps this morning
so we don't have to
do that tonight in
the dark.
Here, take this old
magazine to the
toilet with you when
you go, we are
almost out of paper
out there.
Go out to the well
and draw a bucket of
water so I can wash
Don't turn the radio
on now, I want the
battery to be up
when the Grand Ole
Opry comes on.
No! I don't have
nine cents for you
to go to the show.
Do you think money
grows on trees?
Eat those
vegetables, they'll
make you big and
strong like your
That dog is NOT
coming in this
house! I don't care
how cold it is out
there, dogs just
don't come in the
Sit still! I'm
trying to get your
hair cut straight
and you keep moving
and it is all
botched up.
Hush your mouth! I
don't want to hear
words like that!
I'll wash your mouth
out with soap!
It is time for your
system to be cleaned
out. I am going to
give you a dose of
castor oil tonight.
If you get a
spanking in school
and I find out about
it, you'll get
another one when you
get home.
Quit crossing your
eyes! They will get
stuck that way!
Soak your foot in
this pan of coal oil
so that bad cut
won't get infected.
When you take your
driving test, don't
forget to signal
each turn. Left arm
straight out the
window for a left
turn; left arm bent
up at the elbow for
a right turn; and
straight down to the
side of the door
when you are going
to stop.
It is: "Yes Ma'am!"
and "No Ma'am!" to
me, young man, and
don't you forget it!
Y'all come back now,
ya hear!